The Stone Roses Tickets and Dates

How many tickets can I purchase?
You can purchase up to 4 tickets per person, however the promoter reserves the right to change this allocation at any time, without prior notification. Everyone needs a ticket irrespective of age and there are no concessions.

Are there any age restrictions?
In the reserved seats, anyone under 11-years of age must be accompanied by an adult (18-years and over). For pitch standing, anyone under 15-years of age must be accompanied by an adult (18-years and over). Children under 12-years of age will not be allowed on the pitch. Children under 5-years of age are not permitted to attend concerts at Etihad Stadium. Ages indicated are valid at the time the concert is to be played, not at the time of purchase so for example, if you are 11-years of age when the concert is announced and you will be 12-years of age at the time the concert is played, you can buy a standing ticket today.

How many children under 16 can I accompany?
One adult can accompany up to 7 children, however this is a matter you should pay careful attention to, depending on the age and needs of the children involved.

The contact number for all Ambulant Disabled & Disabled Customers is

0161 444 1894 Option 5

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